Showing: 71 - 80 of 152 RESULTS
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Food Poisoning And Anorexia – What Are The Effects?

Food poisoning is a condition caused by eating food or liquids that have been contaminated with certain types of bacteria, viruses, or parasites. On the other hand, anorexia is a condition caused by psychological stress caused by a distorted perception of weight. Those with anorexia may experience any of the following common symptoms: Besides these, …

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The Long-Term Effects of ElectroShock Therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy, also called electroshock therapy, is an inpatient psychiatric treatment in which seizures are triggered inside a patient to provide temporary relief from a variety of mental conditions. Patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy often experience symptoms such as depression and stress, but in some patients it can also cause side effects, which can lead to …

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EMG Testing Can Assist in Diagnosing Many Medical Conditions

Emg is an abbreviation for Electroencephalograph, an imaging technique used to detect the frequency, amplitude, and direction of electrical activity in the brain. EMG testing and nerve conduction studies (NCS) are clinical neurophysiological tools used to assess brain function and disease. These tests are the main diagnostic tools for neuropsychiatric clinical neurophysiological research, a specialized …

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Using the Elisa Test to Determine Blood Banking Activity

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a widely used analytical chemical assay pioneered by Engwall and Perlman in 1971. The assay includes a non-gel solid phase antibody immunoassay that detects the presence of antigen in an inorganic -soluble or insoluble solution using specific antibodies guided by an antigen binding strategy. The elISA test can be performed …

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What is It and How Can It Be Treated?

The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse and overuse. Tennis elbow, baseball shoulder, quarterback's knee, and jumper's knee are all forms of tendonitis, which can be very painful but very easily preventable. Tendon tendons are fibrous connective tissue that holds muscles together. When muscles contract, fibrous tendons react by sending shock waves to the …