Urine color – unusual color.

How Do You Know Your Urine Color?

The normal color of normal urine is light yellow. It can be brownish, gray, green, blue, etc. Unexplained abnormal color can be cloudy, light orange, blood-red, blood-like, blood stained, dark brown, green, etc. The normal color can be caused by disease, infection, medicines, food you consume, or even infection by yeast.

Some factors which cause abnormal urine color are kidney infections, kidney stones, or tumors. A kidney infection causes the color to be a dark brown. Kidney stones have a clear brown appearance on urine.

Urine color caused by a urinary tract infection is also black in color or has an unpleasant smell. There can be pain and itching in the lower abdomen when there is a urinary tract infection.

If there is pain in the lower abdomen with bleeding during bowel movements, it may be a symptom of bladder infection.

How Do You Know Your Urine Color?

Bladder infection also causes the color to be greenish in color. Sometimes the urine looks like cottage cheese.

Urine color can also be seen in people who take certain medications. These medications may alter the color of the urine. Other medications that change the color include birth control pills, antibiotics, and birth control pills.

When you have red urine, it can be a sign of kidney problems. Red urine can also be caused by some other diseases, such as diabetes or anemia.

Urine that has an odor can be from the kidneys or bladder. The odor can be from bacteria, uric acid, and other matter that can be found in the urine. It is important to have your doctor test for a possible kidney infection if you notice that you have a foul smell in your urine.

How Do You Know Your Urine Color?

Another possible symptom is a blood odor in your urine. If the urine smells like chocolate or if it has an orange-brown tint to it, then you should see your doctor.

Urine color that looks like chocolate or orange in color can be caused by bacteria in the urine. Bacteria in urine will result in a darker urine. This color could also be a sign of an infection in the bladder or urethra.

Urine that has an orange tint to it may be an indication of an infection. An infection in the urinary tract will result in the color being darker than usual. Sometimes this may cause a foul odor in your urine.

Urine color that is brown in color or smells like coffee is an indicator of an infection in the kidney or bladder. Other types of infections that result in brownish in color in urine are anemia, kidney or bladder infection, bladder stones, kidney stones, bladder inflammation, or kidney disease of the bladder, and kidney disease of the urethra.

There are several things that can affect your urine’s color.

How Do You Know Your Urine Color?

If you want to find out if you have a specific type of infection in your body, talk to your doctor or naturopathic health professional.

A good way to keep yourself from making assumptions about your color is to watch for it. It is also important to ask questions to help rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

You can get urine color tests at your local drug store. A simple test kit will show whether the color in your urine is normal or not.

Make sure you do not skip out on your test kit. Even if you have tested negative for certain infections, you still need to get the infection treated. A recurring problem can lead to more serious issues and even kidney damage.

Different home testing kits are available to help you determine your urine’s color. Home testing kits cost a little money but are much easier and convenient.

Urine color testing is easy and affordable. When you know how to determine if you have a urinary infection or bladder infection, you can take a positive action and treat the problem before it spreads into the other parts of your body.

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