Diltiazem Side Effects

Diltiazem or desmopressin is usually prescribed to treat angina and high blood pressure. Diltiazem, a member of the laxative family, is used to control angina pectoris and lower high blood pressure. Plus, it’s a beta blocker, which means it controls your heart rate.

Diltiazem narrows the arteries so the heart doesn’t have to pump as much blood. It also increases the amount of oxygen and blood flowing to the heart. When taken, diltiazem relieves both angina pain and discomfort associated with high blood pressure. The drug is taken in tablets or in the form of injections. Most people use a combination of these methods.

Side effects of diltiazem were relatively rare, but some have been reported. Some potential side effects are chest pain or nausea if diltiazem has been used for a long time, or sudden unexpected chest pain if it has been stopped abruptly. Other possible side effects are diarrhea, fatigue, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, and vision changes.

However, there are also reports of the rare diltiazem that has caused death. These include a rare overdose death in Japan. The cause of death has not been established.

Diltiazem is also known to cause some side effects. Many people experience abdominal pain or discomfort during the first week of taking diltiazem. This may be because diltiazem can sometimes irritate the stomach. Sometimes it can only last a day or two. In other cases, the pain may last for several days and become more severe.

If you experience any of these side effects, you should see your doctor immediately. It is important to understand that most patients do not have major problems with diltiazem. However, if symptoms persist after taking diltiazem, they are not always the result of taking diltiazem. You should discuss these with your doctor.

One of the most common side effects of diltiazem is dizziness. It may be worse after eating. Although it can happen, it usually goes away after about 2 weeks and is usually temporary.

There have been no studies evaluating the long-term side effects of diltiazem, but it is a safe drug that may be beneficial in the short term. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have any problems.

The side effects of Diltiazem listed here are based on information available to the author. He is not responsible for the safety of these drugs. The reader should consult his or her doctor or pharmacist if he or she is unsure of anything regarding diltiazem.

Diltiazem Side Effects

In rare cases, diltiazem can reduce the rate at which iron is absorbed in the body. This means that if you have been taking diltiazem, you may need to take additional iron supplements to compensate for this effect.

In some cases, users of diltiazem experience nausea or vomiting. This seems to be very rare, however, in many cases, users of diltiazem experience one or both of these side effects.

Another rare side effect of diltiazem is vision changes. Some people experience blurry vision or the ability to see very small things. Some people are sensitive to light. In rare cases, diltiazem can cause temporary blindness.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, see your doctor immediately. They could be symptoms of something more serious.

Abnormal taste is another rare side effect of diltiazem, although it is possible. For some people, the taste of sweet foods, such as orange juice or strawberries, can become unpleasant or even painful. If you feel you are having a reaction to diltiazem, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Feeling Unwell – Some people may notice an upset stomach or intestines while taking diltiazem. This could be a sign of stomach infections. If you think you are sick, try not to take diltiazem for a few days to check it out.

In conclusion, diltiazem is generally a safe medication that works for some people. While any medication will always have side effects, if your doctor recommends it, you can use it safely.



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